We’re taking our fight to the Verizon Shareholder Meeting

On Thursday, May 11, Tower Climbers Union/CWA members are taking a stand for tower climbers across the nation at Verizon's Shareholders Meeting. We will rally outside and deliver a message to shareholders that we deserve safer workplaces, fair compensation, health/retirement benefits, and more!
Being a tower technician is one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, with 165 reported deaths in the last 20 years. The wireless carriers, like Verizon, are making billions of dollars and can easily afford to ensure that this crucial job is safe for its workers.
Instead, the wireless carriers have created a complex network of contractors and subcontractors engaged in cutthroat competition that puts tower technicians' safety at risk. And far, too often our very lives are on the line.
If you’re in the Salt Lake City area and would like to join us, please do. But even if you can’t join us, you can add your name to our petition here: cwa.org/TCUPetition
We'll be meeting on Thursday, May 11th at 8am at the Salt Lake City Marriott University Park, 480 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.
We’ll report back after the meeting to give you an update on what happened and share photos.
P.S. We’re also taking action at the Crown Castle shareholders meeting later this month! We’ll send an update as we get closer to that event. Please join us if you are in the area. We will meet Wednesday, May 17 at 8:30am at Crown Castle Corporate Headquarters (8020 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77024).
We’re fighting for safety and transparency in New York!
Tower Climber Wins $25,000 Settlement for Discrimination